Women's Health & Hormones | Kaleidoscope Wellbeing
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Women’s Health & Hormones

Women’s health

The menstrual cycle is a reflection of a woman’s overall health. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists even calls it a “vital sign”, that should be monitored and evaluated as part of a woman’s overall health care. When a woman is healthy, her menstrual cycle should be regular and without symptoms. When she is unhealthy or has an imbalance somewhere in her body, her menstrual cycle will tell the story.1

Similarly, debilitating symptoms during perimenopause or at or after menopause can also be a symptom of imbalances in the body. There are many diet and lifestyle strategies as well as specific nutrients we can use to relieve perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms.

Preparing the body for the transition to menopause well ahead of time can reap great benefits – if we are in optimal health leading up to menopause then we are much more likely to have a smooth experience.

As the menstrual cycle and also menopausal symptoms can be such an important indicator of overall health, I always ask about them during consultations with my female clients. I also make preparation for menopause a part of my treatment plans for women in their 40’s.


Hormones are chemical messengers within the body that direct organs and cells to perform certain functions. Hormones play an integral part in most bodily functions, including mood, hunger, sleep, reproduction and growth. Hormone function is affected by:

  • our diet and the nutrients, or lack of nutrients, that we absorb
  • how much sleep we get
  • our stress levels
  • our microbiome
  • our environment
  • and more.

Our incredibly busy lives can lead to imbalances and dysfunction of our hormones. And as many of our hormones are interrelated, it’s not uncommon to have a number of hormones out of balance at the same time.

Common signs that your hormones are out of balance

  • You’re tired all the time
  • You’re moody, irritable, depressed or anxious
  • You experience brain fog
  • You find it hard to lose weight
  • You’re hungry all the time or crave sugary or salty foods
  • You feel bloated or sluggish
  • You don’t sleep well
  • Your menstrual cycle is irregular, or you have PMS, painful periods, endometriosis, fibroids or PCOS
  • You’ve lost your libido
  • You’re constipated

And many more!

How can we find the cause of your symptoms?

Do you suffer from any of the symptoms above? By carefully analysing your diet, lifestyle, health history and symptoms, as well as ordering specific functional pathology tests if necessary, we can begin to uncover the drivers of your symptoms.

I can recommend evidence based nutrients, diet and lifestyle changes to help alleviate your symptoms or prepare for menopause. I’ll develop a tailored treatment plan for you with clear, achievable goals and simple, manageable steps to improve your health.


  1. Briden, L. (2018). Period Repair Manual. Sydney, Australia.: Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd. pp. 10-11.