Yasmin Nekula - Natural Medicine Practitioner & Clinical Nutritionist | Kaleidoscope Wellbeing
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About Yasmin – Qualified Natural Medicine Practitioner & Clinical Nutritionist


Hello! I’m Yasmin Nekula, degree-qualified natural medicine practitioner, clinical nutritionist and founder of Kaleidoscope Wellbeing.

Before becoming a health practitioner, I completed a Bachelor of Business degree and embarked on a career in the corporate world of marketing.

After more than 20 years working in demanding, deadline-driven roles, I decided to make a career change into health and nutrition, and started studying again.

I was a perfectionist and put a huge amount of pressure on myself to do well. I was always go, go, go, busy, busy, busy. Ironically, I put my own health and wellbeing last – it seemed there was always something more important that I needed to be doing.

Things came to a head when, after decades of high stress, a number of significant life changes and personal challenges all happened at once – on top of the work and study.

I hit total burnout, and experienced debilitating fatigue (I struggled to get out of bed and couldn’t understand what was happening to me!), overwhelm, difficulty focusing, extreme allergies, migraines and more. My productivity suffered and I fell behind, which added to my stress and anxiety! It robbed me of my drive and motivation, and the passion and excitement I used to have about work – and life.

I realised that I couldn’t keep living my life that way! Chronic stress had taken its toll. I needed to find some balance. Not only that, but to be able to give to and support the people I love, and to make a positive impact in the world, I needed to be kind to myself and look after my own health and wellbeing as a priority!

I completed my Bachelor of Health Science and set up my natural medicine and nutrition practice.

I made it my mission to delve deep into the science of chronic stress to understand its effects on the body at a biochemical level – how it causes such a wide array of symptoms and affects our health and wellbeing in such a major way. And importantly, how we can bring the biochemistry back into balance using diet, specific nutrients, lifestyle changes and mindset changes.

I’ve seen the amazing difference these changes can make. Over time, through trial and error, my health improved. But it took MUCH longer than it should have.

It doesn’t need to be that way for you. I’ve developed a protocol to help high-achievers address the causes of their symptoms and rebalance their biochemistry – WITHOUT having to ditch their jobs or other responsibilities.

You just need to make the decision to prioritise your health.

To achieve your goals and dreams, and live a creative, meaningful and happy life, you need optimal health and wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Let me help you to bring your body’s biochemistry and systems back into balance, elevate your energy, boost your mental clarity and optimise your performance, so you can live your best life!

Accredited ATMS Practitioner