Reviews & Testimonials | Kaleidoscope Wellbeing
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What clients are saying

Oliver needed help reducing his cardiovascular risk factors

“When I first saw Yasmin, I was a bit overweight and had high cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. She patiently explained to me what I needed to do with my diet, if I was serious about making an improvement. It helped greatly that she explained to me my blood test results and the implications if I didn’t make a dietary change – my doctor didn’t do that! She suggested I get a blood test for homocysteine, which is a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and identified mine was in the risk range. It turns out I have an MTHFR gene mutation and Yasmin prescribed supplements which brought homocysteine down significantly! 

Yasmin’s advice and practical tips on what I needed to do have made a REAL difference: I have lost 7kg, my LDL cholesterol is down significantly and my blood sugar has also improved. There is more work to be done – I need to continue following Yasmin’s diet recommendations and keep that weight off. Providing me with great recipes helped get me into new eating routines. Yasmin’s help and advice has been invaluable.” 

Oliver from Killarney Heights in NSW, Australia

Emma sought help to support her through fatigue, Hashimoto’s and endometriosis

“I sought Yasmin’s help when I was diagnosed with a number of health issues including chronic fatigue, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and endometriosis. I had a high level of inflammation in my joints and throughout my body, which was causing me chronic pain and discomfort.  Everything was hard for me – working, socialising – even just brushing my teeth in the morning could prove challenging! I was under medical care, but wanted nutrition and lifestyle support for my conditions.

Yasmin helped me many ways, however the main thing I’d like to highlight was her guidance on how to counteract inflammation in my joints and body, through easy-to-follow diet and lifestyle changes. Since following her treatment plan, my blood results have shown that the inflammation in my body has significantly reduced.

She had a genuine interest in and concern for my particular situation. She provided me with a tailored treatment plan specific to my objectives and also gave me simple, healthy, delicious recipes to help get me on the right track. I learned so much about eating optimally for my conditions! Other practitioners I have seen have just provided me with generic handouts. Yasmin’s approach is highly specific to each person – and to me this was really impressive. Implementing Yasmin’s recommendations has proved invaluable on my path to wellness. 

Yasmin has a way of distilling her comprehensive knowledge into an easy to follow approach. I would recommend Yasmin to anyone, whether you’re facing a complex health challenge, or simply wishing to improve your overall health. Without good health, life is very difficult! With her caring, knowledgeable and friendly approach, Yasmin will help you reclaim your health.”

Emma from Lindfield in NSW, Australia

 Julie wanted to lose weight and create supportive eating patterns

“I came to Yasmin to help me to lose weight. I had fallen into some poor eating habits and put on a significant amount of weight over a number of years. With all the confusing information out there about weight loss, I wanted to get expert advice on the best method for me. I also wanted to understand more about nutrition and to learn how to make good food choices. 

Yasmin really educated me about the most important factors in achieving and maintaining weight loss. She also taught me about macronutrients and the ratios and portion sizes I should be aiming for. Her easy formula for constructing easy, healthy meals every time has built my confidence, and I know that I can continue to maintain a healthy diet well into the future. 

Since consulting with Yasmin, I have had a major lifestyle shift and have been losing weight simply and easily. I’ve lost 8kg! Yasmin’s astute observations, excellent materials and personal guidance are invaluable. I highly recommend her!

Julie from Chatswood in NSW, Australia

 Alison needed help optimising her vegan diet

“After being on a vegetarian diet for most of my adult life, I had transitioned to a vegan diet a year before consulting with Yasmin. I was aware that although I didn’t eat or drink anything that was detrimental to my health, I was restricting the range of foods I was eating. As well as having an optimal plant-based diet without reliance on synthetic supplements, it was also important to me that I established eating timing/patterns that would support my circadian rhythm. 

 Yasmin was extremely thorough. She asked many questions about my medical history, what supplements I was taking and what I wanted to achieve. She then developed a very detailed and tailored treatment plan including a wonderful ‘rainbow’ diet, with ways to replace some of my supplements with foods, and she also included lifestyle recommendations. In her meticulous follow-up report she also included a variety of delectable plant-based recipes.

 Having a consultation with Yasmin and now being able to refer to her recommendations (whenever I slip into old habits) has given me so much more confidence that my diet is indeed optimal and that I’m supporting my total wellbeing in the best possible way.

 I wholeheartedly recommend Yasmin as a holistic health practitioner who takes not just your physical wellbeing into consideration, but your total lifestyle and values.”

Alison from Roseville in NSW, Australia

Cristina sought help for poor sleep, aching joints and healthy ageing

“When I saw Yasmin I had issues waking up several times at night. I’d also had arthritis and stiff and aching joints for several years. I’m post-menopausal and have a family history of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, and wanted to understand how to optimise my health and reduce the risk of health problems moving forward. 

My doctor ordered lots of blood tests and prescribed a number of supplements without explanations. Yasmin studied the blood tests in detail and explained to me what each result meant. She also examined each of the supplements that I had been prescribed and helped me understand why they had been prescribed. And with her holistic approach she advised me which foods would complement or replace certain supplements. 

She provided me with a very clear and detailed step by step treatment plan that I have been referring to ever since. This includes types of foods, portion sizes, rationale and constituents. She also discussed examples and recipes and the most effective order to take supplements and foods. 

My sleep patterns have greatly improved and I am mostly pain free. I can highly recommend Yasmin to anyone who is interested in improving health in a holistic way and is willing to be coached by someone knowledgeable and thorough.”

Cristina from Killarney Heights in NSW, Australia

Lynne needed support to recover from a significant illness and reduce the risk of future disease

“I consulted Yasmin to find out if there were nutritional options that would support my recovery from a significant illness as well as support my wellbeing and health in general. She is very approachable, and I was impressed by her ability to listen to, and thoroughly understand, my issues. She provided a detailed and well-considered treatment plan and took the time to discuss it with me and answer my questions. Having a good understanding of her recommendations not only helped me put the treatment plan into action at the time but has provided a helpful foundation to maintain a supportive diet since then.”

Lynne from Freshwater in NSW, Australia

Accredited ATMS Practitioner